"Invest in your hotel's future with our targeted advertising:

  • 18-month plan: €6.25 per day
  • 12-month plan: €8 per day

Reach the right audience, boost bookings, and maximize your ROI. Contact us to discuss your customized advertising campaign."

Here's a more accurate breakdown of the potential return on investment (ROI):

Realistic Scenario:

  • Average Stay: Let's assume the average stay for museum visitors is 2 nights.
  • Room Rate: The average room rate is €190 per night.
  • Occupancy: Many hotels in popular tourist areas like Amsterdam see a high occupancy rate, often exceeding 80%.


With the 18-month advertising plan at €6.25 per day, you only need to book roughly 0.03 rooms per day to break even.

Given the average stay of 2 nights, this translates to needing one booking every 66 days to cover the advertising cost.

"Take the first step towards a more successful museum marketing strategy. Contact us at museumad.nl and let's discuss how we can help you design a targeted online campaign that fits your budget and goals. Your dedicated account manager is ready to guide you through the process and ensure you get the most out of our platform integration."

I hope these options are helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

"Partner with museumad.nl and get the most out of your marketing budget. Our platform connects your hotel to major marketing channels, reaching the right audience at the right time. Plus, for a limited time, we're offering one month of free advertising for each of your locations. That's a saving of €375 per year for two hotels! Contact us today to discover how we can help you achieve your marketing goals."

"Don't leave your marketing to chance. Partner with museumad.nl for expert guidance and proven results. We'll create customized Google Ads and Social Media campaigns, complete with scheduled posting, to elevate your brand and reach your target audience. Our dedicated account managers will ensure your success every step of the way. Get in touch to arrange a meeting and discuss your marketing needs."

Elevate your brand with exclusive banner placements at world-class museums. Reach a captive audience of art and culture enthusiasts and leave a lasting impression on potential customers. Our team at museumad.nl will guide you through this unique opportunity and help you maximize your brand exposure. Contact us to explore available locations and secure your prime advertising space.


Editorial Page

Your advertising editorial page, crafted by our expert team, will take your audience on a visual journey. Immerse them in stunning photo galleries, captivating videos, and an interactive map with detailed directions to your hotel.


Hotel Booking

Contact your HMS provider: They are the experts on their system and will likely have the resources and expertise to help you with this request. Let them know you want to add their download widget to your specific webpage. They should be able to provide you with: The widget code: This is the HTML or JavaScript code our developer will need to embed in your website's code to display the widget. Instructions: They will provide you with detailed instructions on how and where to add the code to your website.


Sales & Marketing

"As the culture sector's marketing experts, museumad.nl understands your unique needs. We've integrated your website with top platforms and are ready to manage your budget for maximum impact. Partner with us to unlock your full potential."



Overall, Google Analytics is an essential tool for your business. It provides you with valuable insights into our audience, With your marketing budget, we can monitor your campaign performance, and overall business. By leveraging this data, we can make informed decisions, optimize our efforts, and achieve our goals of increasing website traffic, engagement, and conversions. Let me know if you'd like to delve deeper into any specific aspect of how Google Analytics can benefit our business!


Privacy Preference Center


We never share or sell information to third parties

Google ADS, ZOHO,


We never share or sell information to third parties

Google ADS, ZOHO


We never share or sell information to third parties

Google Analytics, ZOHO